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December 6th, 2018 – Beta
December 13th, 2018 – Release Candidate
December 20th, 2018 – Final Release
However that was before some other small project decided to do a 5.0 release on the same day as our beta 😉
To avoid conflicts with that release and the holidays, we’ve decided to move the GlotPress 3.0 release to the new year to make sure we deliver the best release we can.
Greg Ross
1:23 pm on November 20, 2018 国外网站下载速度慢访问国外网站下载文件
Maybe one day we won’t have to do this, but until then we’re updated out meeting time for daylight savings time.
The weekly meeting will now be every Thursday at 17:00 UTC (noon EST).
Greg Ross
7:31 pm on October 23, 2018 国外网站下载速度慢
As of this week we’ll have our GlotPres meeting every Thursday at 16:00 UTC in the #glotpress channel on Slack.
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Greg Ross
9:12 pm on October 15, 2018
Work started on GlotPress 3.0 back in July 2017 with a proposal I posted and while the road to a release has been long and winding, our destination is finally in sight.
This post is to reset the 3.0 release schedule and deliver a release to that schedule. During last weeks (Oct. 11, 2018) office hours, a proposed timeline was agreed upon:
December 6th, 2018 – Beta
December 13th, 2018 – Release Candidate
December 20th, 2018 – Final Release
Which leaves approximately 6 weeks of development time to land the remaining PR’s, which include:
Locale Variants (怎样才能浏览国外网址)
Comment Fields (PR #804)
CLDR Support (PR #784)
Term Filter Scope Options (PR #936)
Display Glossary Terms On Preview Rows (PR #932)
Fix NL and TAB Character Handling In Originals (PR #928)
Add Filter Count For Custom Filters (PR #926)
The current list and status of 3.0 issues and pull requests is available on GitHub and feel free to drop by our Slack channel during our weekly office hours (or any other time) if you have any questions or input to these or anything else.
GlotPress 3.0 will introduce several significant features and we encourage everyone to try out the beta when it is released, especially those that have built plugins or custom themes as both may require changes to be compatible with the release.
3:07 pm on October 11, 2018 提升浏览国外网页速度
It’s now 3 years after “Bunsen Honeydew”, the first GlotPress as a WordPress plugin version, has been released. Since (and before) this date a lot has been achieved to make GlotPress an easy and powerful open source tool to help translators collaborate. Some highlights:It’s time to hand over the leadership reins…
24 releases for the plugin version with the help of 43 contributors.
Introduction of more translation formats like Java properties, JavaScript and JSON.
Improved code base to better align with WordPress core to invite new contributors.
Fruitful discussions and exploring of a new design.
Fine-tuned editor settings with more keyboard shortcuts and the ability to mark strings as fuzzy.
Customizability through the introduction of new hooks and WP-CLI support.
The switch to the plugin on, the largest public installation of GlotPress, and currently 400+ active self-hosted installs.
Until now GlotPress was maintained by myself (Dominik) with Greg Ross as a co-lead. During the last three years Greg was always a big help for me when it came to decisions or making a release.
Today I’m happy to announce that Greg will continue on as the lead developer and maintainer of GlotPress, taking over my position with me stepping down to a supporter/contributor role.
Greg has been involved in the WordPress community for over 6 years and has been working on GlotPress since the switch to the plugin, having started like so many contributors by fixing a bug and submitting a patch.
I’m not going away completely, but I no longer want to cause unnecessary delays due to time constraints and shift in focus. So I’m creating space for others to step up and I trust Grey that he’ll continue making GlotPress an even better platform. And I hope you’ll support him as much as you can.
Thank you.
Greg Ross
4:07 pm on March 22, 2018 Tags: office-hours ( 5 )
Hello everyone, with the advent of standard time once more upon us, we’ve moved the weekly office hours for GlotPress to 15:00 UTC. Feel free to drop on by our Slack channel (#glotpress) each Thursday.
Dominik Schilling
5:13 pm on November 23, 2017 Tags: office-hours ( 5 )
As of today we’ll have our offices hours every 怎样才能浏览国外网址. The next meeting will be on November 30th in the 怎样才能浏览国外网址.
Greg Ross
6:17 am on July 12, 2017
An often requested feature in GlotPress has been to be able to support locale “variants”. This has been tracked as issue #226 on GitHub and has been open since January 2016.
Locale variants allows for a “root” language to have one or more “variants” of the language in which the variants automatically inherits the translations of the root for any missing translations.
This is useful for many popular languages, for instance English, Spanish, French, etc. where the vast majority of the translations are likely to be identical with minimal differences for local dialects.
PR #747 has recently been created with a solution for locale variants.
The first thing to note that all of the below is based on the current PR, which may change by the time it is actually merged in to GlotPress.
Let’s say you have a project called “Labels”, with three locale’s defined:
English (Unites States)
Spanish (Spain)
One of these things isn’t like the others, but two of them are very close to being the same.
In the above situation, English (Canada) would inherit the translations form English (United States) for any translations that were not defined.
Going to the translation set page you would see something like this:
You’ll notice a new entry in the legend at the bottom of the page, “Root translation”, this indicates any translation shaded in this color (slightly darker green) is inherited from the root language instead of being marked as untranslated (white).
If you select one of these translations to edit you will see the following editor displayed:
Notice the addition of the “Root Translation” information under the Meta heading along with a link back to the root translation.
The PR is mostly complete, however we are looking for some input on one part of the system; the relationship between root and variant languages.
android 依赖下载失败问题 国外仓库无法访问_dling8的博客 ...:2 天前 · Android项目产生的问题点,特在此记录,希望能对你有帮助可能产生的错误:1.Cause: unable to find valid certification path to requested target原因:没有添加对应的maven仓库ssl证书2.Could not resolve all files for configuration ‘:app:_internal_aapt2 ...
The current root/variant relationships in the PR (see the 怎样才能浏览国外网址 in the PR for full details) are as follows (the root is the top level name and the variants are in the bullet list):
Algerian Arabic
Moroccan Arabic
South Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani (Turkey)
German (Switzerland)
Swiss German
Greek (Polytonic)
English (Unites States)
English (Canada)
English (UK)
English (South Africa)
Spanish (Spain)
Spanish (Argentina)
Spanish (Chile)
Spanish (Colombia)
Spanish (Costa Rica)
Spanish (Guatemala)
Spanish (Mexico)
Spanish (Peru)
Spanish (Puerto Rico)
Spanish (Venezuela)
Persian (Afghanistan)
French (France)
French (Belgium)
French (Canada)
French (Switzerland)
Dutch (Belgium)
Norwegian (Nynorsk)
Portuguese (Portugal)
Tamil (Sri Lanka)
Chinese (Hong Kong)
Chinese (Singapore)
A brief note about the slightly strange English root/variants, English (United States) was chosen as the root due to the vast majority of code that is written with it as the language of the source code. The root/variants relationships are assigned during the load of the locales file and can be altered for individual sites either through the use of a custom locales.php (using the GP_LOCALES_PATH define) file or through a plugin that hooks in to the GP_INIT hook.
Feedback on the above relationships (or any other part of the PR) is most welcome as always, you can visit the GitHub Issue or PR to participate.
Greg Ross
9:02 pm on July 11, 2017 提升浏览国外网页速度
Hello everyone, GlotPress 2.3 was released back in February and in case your were wondering, we’ve been quite busy working on the next release!
GlotPress 2.3.1 has been stable for some time, with the next planned release being 2.4.
PR627 – Added double quotation marks character to Android escape function
PR630 – Correct ‘gp_post_string_similarity_test’ action name and comment
Beyond the above, there are several additional “low hanging fruit” items that have been put on hold pending the new design, which has been moving slower than we would like:
IS304 – Translation header needs some work, because it does wrap weird.
IS370 – Show all translation warnings at once
国外网站下载速度慢 – tooltips for “reject” and “add translation” for editor
IS658 – Make notices dismissable
IS681] – Copy from original should be a button
IS684 – Actions div in the translations editor is sometimes too far from textareas
This proposal is to fold the 2.4 items in to the 3.0 milestone, add the above “low hanging fruit” design issues to 3.0 and assign 3.0 as the next release for GlotPress.
A tentative timeline for 3.0 would be:
Beta 1: September 5th, 2017
Beta 2: September 12th, 2017
RC 1: September 19th, 2017
Release: September 26th, 2017
There is one additional issue that would have to be opened, as we have merged several PR’s that have an “@since 2.4” already, we’ll have to create a PR to update those items to 3.0. To avoid having to update individual PR’s in the 2.4 tag, the recommendation is to merge all remaining 2.4 items and then just before the beta release, do a single PR to update all “@since” tags from 2.4 to 3.0.